Saturday, March 14, 2009

mars & venus.

"guys are all the same. they do nothing but break a girl's heart". how many times have we heard that all so familiar line from girls ? all or at least most girls think that all guys are jerks. don't get me wrong, i know that there are guys who are absolute jerks, no question about it. but doesn't that stereotype just puts more pressure on the guys are not in the "jerk" category ? and don't get me wrong though. i don't consider myself an angel of a guy.

and to all the girls who think that all guys are jerks,
what makes you so perfect ?

1 comment:

  1. haha.
    hmm, i like this post.
    all i can respond to this post is, "betul betul"

    well, no one is perfect. unless they're god beings.
    haha XD
